image/svg+xmlAlexandre Garcia Aguado, Phd.https://aguado.ccEmancipatory hacker education and the co-construction of sociodigital futuresReferenciasAguado, A. G. (2020). Educación Hacker y Empoderamiento: De las comunidades hacker hasta la escuela [Tesis]. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.Aguado, A. G., & Alvarez, I. (2021). Cultura hacker e educação: Percepções dos hackers sobre a vivência de elementos de sua cultura nas escolas. Perspectiva, 39(3), Article 3., A. G., & Alvarez, I. (2019). Educación hacker: Una expresión emergente de la pedagogía crítica parala sociedad en red. Revista Teias, 20(Esp), 167-183., A. G., & Alvarez, I. (2024). Hacker education and transformative agency: An empirical study in hacker communities and in the school case of Conexão Escola-Mundo. Mind, Culture, and Activity, 1-18., S. R. (2017). Hackerspaces: Making the maker movement. Polity Press.Freire, P. (1967). Educação como prática da liberdade. Paz e Terra.Freire, P. (1987). 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Software Technology2007MasterHow can the ecosystem of free software communities inspire collaborative networks of teachers?2012Young Hacker Project - São PauloYouth empowerment through technology2014 ~ 2016Phd + Conexão Escola-Mundo project How hacker education is experienced by participants in hacker communities and in the Conexão Escola-Mundo project?2018 ~ 2020Hacker Education + Transformative Activist StanceEnvisioning HE as a TAS-Based critical pedagogy2022 ~ 20232024 ~ 2026Postdoc - Emancipatory sociodigital educationsCultivate emancipatory sociodigital educations though experience labs envisioning to build a networkWhy do we need emancipatory sociodigital educations?The mainstream tech culture we experience is oppressive and affectspeople, societies and the planet.AddictionEffective manipulationFakeNews1. Elon Musk2. Jeff Bezos 4. Bill Gates6. Larry Page7. Sergey Brin12. Mark ZuckerbergFonte:$$ 800 billionDigital technologies x digital merchandise (Morozov, 2018) #TECHNODIVERSITY - Technologies incorporate the cultural perceptions of those who created them.#TECHNOLOGICAL_DETERMINISM - Technologies are infallible! #OPACITY - Source codes and training databases are unknown, opaque, inauditable (SILVEIRA, 2019).#NON_INCULTURABLE - Local and specific aspects are ignored.#DATA_COLONIALISM | #ALGORITHMIC_RACISM | #DEHUMANISATION Who is "the enemy"?The opressive, entrepreneurial, capitalist technological culture.... the oppressed must not, in seeking to regain their humanity (which is a way tocreate it), become in turn oppressors ofthe oppressors, but rather restorers of thehumanity of both. (FREIRE, 1987, p. 16)Citizen laboratoriesCo-creation spaces;Nueva Leon Citizen Laboratory - Mexico, 2022) Fuente: Communities, 2001; DAVIES, 2017) The hacker educationInquietudeAction-FunCollectiveSociety-CommunitySharingHumanistic-TechnologicalHackerEducation#activeStance#failosophy#fun#experimentation#creativity#horizontality#care#doOcracy#diversity#teacherMediation#activism#beyondTheWalls#metwork#problematizeSociety#curiosity#criticalStance#sharing#commons#access#openess#authorship#buildingConsciousness#freeTechnologies#freedomActivism#techCreation115 hackers from all continents;18 researchers;14 teachers;182 studentes;How HE is experienced by participants in hackercommunities and in the Conexão Escola-Mundo project?(AGUADO & ALVAREZ, 2019, 2021, 2024)(MENEZES, 2022)InspirationThere are "alternatives","emancipatories", "communitarian"technological countercultures ...What does this have to do with CHAT?Hacker education as a TAS-Based critical pedagogyAguado, A. G., & Alvarez, I. (2024). Hacker education and transformative agency: An empirical study in hacker communities and in the school case of Conexão Escola-Mundo. Mind, Culture, and Activity, 1-18. what?Emancipatory sociodigital educations and overcoming thetechnological culture of opressionCultivating emancipatory sociodigital educations, with a view to overcoming the oppressive technological culture that prevails in our societies.AimHow?Text is not SVG - cannot displayContributions!1) What aspects of this work caught your attention in a positive way?2) What aspects of this work do you believe need to be revised/improved? How?Source unknown... a shift from participation to contribution, with people acting in solidarity against hegemony and the status quo (Hopwood, 2022).Collectividual (Stetsenko, 2016)... people co-create the world in solidarity with others, building a desired future,and in this dialectic, the individual himself is developing, learning and humanizing(Stetsenko, 2016).Transformative Activist Stance (TAS)TAS-Based critical pedagogy... practices must promote students and teachers transformative agen­cies, collectividually and engaging against the status quo (Stetsenko, 2016).... students are agents of changes, premised by their active exploration and future-oriented goals (Vianna & Stetsenko, 2019)... hacker communities are spaces that enable the tools of activism and agency, with a view to co-creating the world and, recursively, the individual themselves(Stetsenko, 2016).TAS-based critical pedagogies must contribute to learners not only seekingtheir desired futures, but also formulating and developing their goals and meaningful pursuits (Stetsenko, 2016, p. 355).#inquietude... from a naive curiosity to a more rigorous curiosity ... (Freire, 2013, p. 32)people as creators/constructors/authors#action-funa pedagogy made by “Learners-through-community and community-through-learners” (Stetsenko, 2016, p. 353)#collectiveactivists challenging the status quo (Vianna & Stetsenko, 2019).#society-communitysolidarity and mutuality (Stetsenko, 2016, p. 361)#sharingovercoming the false humanism-technology dichotomy(Freire, 1967, p. 97; Lund et al., 2019)#humanistic-technological... the transformative-agentive pedagogical action starts from individual inquietudesand interests that mature critically in the community context, giving rise to a co-creative and dialectical process with the community and its surroundings, demonstrating a way of agentively co-create the analogue-digital sought-after future.Open sharing and the perception of technologies as common goods, enable the creation of new open technologies and social proposals that the community proposesto do, which in hacker education is a way of living fraternity and mutuality, essential element in a TAS-based critical pedagogy. At the same time, the community (Hackersand schools) act as transforming agents through the construc­tions they make, the artifacts they create, thus exercising their activism through technologies. These artifacts strengthen the sense of community of those who are part active of the transformative process. In the dialectic individual-community-society, all of them are transformed. (Aguado & Alvarez, 2024, p.15) . . . “why is this so? Is there no other way?,” in principle it comes from a curiosity but as the years go by, thatcuriosity, you read, information that you see, you become more critical. For example, I have used Linux for yearsat home [. . .] i have control over the technology . . . (Hacker from Hackerspace Valencia)The freedom to play and explore, to look at technology andproblems outside of a box of how things where intended. To learn to find ways to destroy constraints within the systemyou are confronted with (Hacker from Netherlands)-------------Anything - from the ethic to the hands-on approach... (Hacker from Canada)Which aspects of HE that must be part of schools ? I think we are doing a type of approach, of mediation at school, [. . .] it is not even top-down from UFSC to the teachers of CA,nor from the CA teachers to the students. Even when we weredeveloping the tasks, we had high school students participatingin the process in the same table with Phd professors. I think that this exercise, this experience of an education project thatis not in the top-down logic, it potentiates dialogical processes (Teacher-Researcher). . . it is all the time doing activism and from the free software communities as well. [. . .] the comuna digitalhas a workshop that they do about digital self-defense,which is how to raise awareness about social networks,privacy and control . . . (Hacker from Red Conocimiento Libre – Ecuador)... the schools would build those monitors [to detectgarbage burning] with Arduino and a special shield made for this, so, they could take them to their homes or in their public places and collect information about the level of contamination in the area [. . .] in Córdobawhere there are issues with Glyphosate, the Universitytook that project and modified it to collect samples of Glyphosate in water (Hacker from R’lyeh hacklab)The first thing I heard of at Blackboxe was relatedto cameras in Parisian metro: supposed to makeuse of a not publicly disclaimed facial recognitiontechnology ... creative reaction of those hackers:design and use of anti-facial recognition make up.(Hacker - DataPaulette etextile hackespace – Paris)To summariseLaboratories ofemancipatory sociodigitaleducationsCollaborative actionresearch with labcollaborators.Begin a support network of educatorswho identify with emancipatorysociodigital educations.ExperienceResearchContinuityaboratoriespal schools/UFSC x Municipal schools unicipal schools Dom Bosco - SambizangaHow?Cultivating a sociodigital infrastructure(website; fediverse; face-to-face meetings; etc.)Bringing together educators, managers, hackers, activists, etc.How?. Some sections will focus on reflecting on and analysing the experience itself.. These sections will be recorded and analysed collaboratively.. Lab's collaborators as agents in the construction of strategies and experiences of emancipatory sociodigital educations;At least 4 laSão Paulo- IFSP x MunicipFlorianópolis- COMUNIC/Salvador- GEC/UFBA x MLuanda/Angola- Escola D
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